Solicitation Number: BID-SJR-13-2023
Solicitation Name: Chiller Replacement Project, St. Augustine Campus
Status of BID: Open
Description: The scope of this project includes the removal and replacement of the existing 110-ton water cooled chillers, associated cooling tower and chilled/condenser water pumps. A new 340-ton chiller and matching cooling tower will be provided. The condenser and chilled water pumps will be replaced and increased in size to accommodate the increase in required GPM (gallons per minute) and head pressure. Both the chilled water and condenser water piping are to be replaced and manifolded to permit interchangeability of the equipment.
This project is open to prequalified contractors only.
This bid is identified as BID-SJR-13-2023.
Invited bidders are eligible to receive a free digital copy from Terry Thomas, St. Johns River State College of the bidding documents only after attending and signing the attendance register at the Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting.
Attendance at a mandatory pre-bid meeting by you or a representative of your company is a requirement in order to be eligible to bid on this project. Attendance will be taken. The meeting was held on January 25 at 9:30 a.m. in Room H0218 in Building H on the St. Augustine Campus, 2990 College Drive, St. Augustine, Florida.
Information and notices pertaining to this bid will be posted on the College web page dedicated to this bid at The web page will be updated as the bid process progresses. Bidders are required to monitor the web page during the entire bid process for informational updates, and notices. Note: Addenda to the plans/specs, if any, for the project will be issued directly from the architect to primary bidder plan holders. Addenda content, Bid tally, and notice of intent to award will be posted on this page.
Sealed bids, clearly marked on the outside with the name of your firm and BID-SJR-13-2023, are due to Terry Thomas, Director of Capital Assets and Risk Management, St. Johns River State College, Business Office, 5001 St. Johns Avenue, Palatka, Florida 32177 by 2:00 p.m. on March 28, 2024. It is the responsibility of the bidder to ensure delivery to the correct location. Faxed, e-mailed, conditional, improperly identified submission and bids delivered to the wrong location, and/or not received by the deadline at the location listed above will not be considered. The College is not responsible for any expense incurred by the bidder in responding to this bid. Failure of the US mail, a delivery service, or a hand deliverer to deliver the response to the correct location by the deadline for submission shall not constitute an extension to the deadline.
Bids received by the deadline date and time listed above will be publicly opened and prices read aloud on March 28, 2024, at 2:30 p.m. in Room A-152, Valhalla Hall, in the Administration Building on the SJR State Palatka Campus, 5001 St. Johns Ave., Palatka FL 32177. Bidders are invited to attend the bid opening, but attendance is not mandatory. Bidders are cautioned to make no assumption concerning award until the bid tally and notice of intent to award bid is posted on the web page at which is expected on March 29, 2024.
SJR State anticipates awarding BID-SJR-13-2023 to a single bidder submitting the lowest lump sum bid, meeting all bid specifications and within budget parameters. SJR State reserves the right to reject any or all bids submitted, to waive any informalities in regards thereto, to waive any minor deviations in an otherwise valid bid proposal, to rebid or not, and to accept the bid which will be in the best interest of the College. The College is not necessarily bound to accept the lowest bid if that bid is contrary to its best interest.
Bid award is anticipated on April 17, 2024. Bid award will be posted on the web page at The successful bidder will enter into contract with the College immediately following award with notice to proceed to follow thereafter. No bidder may withdraw its bid for 60 days after bid opening.
Document Name: | Issue Date: |
Invitation to Bid | January 29, 2024 |
Addendum 1 | March 26, 2024 |
Addendum 2 | March 29, 2024 |
Addendum 3 | April 4, 2024 |
SJR State contact for information is:
Terry Thomas, Director of Capital Assets and Risk Management,
(386) 312-4110