
Career Services


Steps to creating a career action plan.

1. Participate in career development workshops.
2. Seek input from faculty about majors and careers.
3. Create your resume using Big Interview.
4. Join student organizations and actively develop your leadership skills

1. Upload your updated resume to College Central Network.
2. Create a Career Portfolio that shows relevant projects and work samples along with letters of reference in College Central Network.
3. Continue to gain career-related experience and build soft skills.
4. Determine if you will need to continue your education to reach your career goals.
5. Attend career fairs or career panels offered by your college.
6. Develop a strong relationship with faculty in your major to find a mentor and future reference.
7. Seek Experiential Learning opportunities through internships, micro-internships, job shadowing, or volunteering. This can also be accomplished through finding a part-time or full-time job.

1. Create (or update) a LinkedIn Profile.
2. Develop a list of references. Request letters from faculty, internship sites, employers, and others. Upload these into your College Central Network portfolio.
3. Attend career fairs offered by your college.
4. Plan, organize, and conduct a thorough job search.
5. Finalize your resume and make sure you update it on College Central Network.
6. Create a cover letter template that you will use as you apply for jobs.
7. Buy professional business attire.
8. Practice interview skills using Big Interview.