Career Services
Thank you for visiting the Faculty Resources page. You may freely utilize the text, videos, and attachments from this site. The purpose of this page is to provide you with career development resources to support your instruction.
Please contact us with feedback and questions. We are also glad to visit your classroom. Presentations can be customized and presented to fit your time frame. Typical topics include career paths, career assessments, job search strategies, how to use the College Central Network job board, researching the labor market using Career Coach, interview strategies, and career fair announcements and preparation.
We would also be glad to work with you on implementing some of our resources such as Big Interview, College Central Network, or Career Coach into your curriculum. They all have many materials that can be useful in the classroom setting.
Sample Faculty Reference Letter
Can a Career Center or Faculty Member Prescreen Candidates for an Employer?
College Central Network Instruction Page for Employers
College Central Network Instruction Page for Students
The rubrics are provided by The National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE).
Resume Rubric
Cover Letter Writing Rubric
Interviewing Rubric