
On-Campus Counseling

Are you struggling with anxiety or stress?

Do you feel sad?

Are you having relationship issues?

Do you have questions about drugs or alcohol?

Meet with a professional (CARE) Counselor.
This is a confidential and free service that is available to all
SJR State students.

The CARE counselor’s office is located on the Palatka
campus. The CARE counselor can also provide services on
the Orange Park and St. Augustine campuses, as well as
help students connect with local community mental health
resources and services.

You could be struggling with anxiety, stress, depression, relationship issues, drugs or alcohol, the death of a loved one, financial difficulties, a challenging living situation or other issues or concerns. SJR State provides a professional CARE Counselor for students to speak with about a variety of issues. If you have an issue and you would like to talk with a counselor, please contact Dr. Lobo.

Dr. Douglass Lobo
CARE Counselor
(386) 312-4305

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Mental Health Wellness
Tip for the Month

Emotional Wellness is coping effectively with life and stress, and it includes, maintaining good mental health, having a positive attitude, and promoting feelings of self-worth.

Tips for Emotional Wellness

1. Express feelings in a healthy way
2. Be aware of the feelings of others
3. Be able to express love and trust
4. Cope with stressors in life in a rational way
5. Reflect on situations before reacting impulsively
6. Keep everything in proper perspective

Source: Adapted from Swarbrick, M. (2006). A Wellness Approach