SJR State celebrates nursing graduates

Florence Nightingale Award - Monica Muzquiz and Brandi Pittman

Academic Excellence Awards - Candese Nieves, Abegayl O’Hara
St. Johns River State College recently held a pinning ceremony to recognize the Associate in Science in Nursing (ASN) students. A continued tradition of Florence Nightingale, the pinning ceremony symbolizes the rite of passage into the nursing profession and the care and devotion nurses provide. Graduates received a pin that serves as a reminder of their purpose to serve the sick and infirmed.
ASN graduates include: Natalie Aragona, Nataly Barlow, Amanda Boyle, Tacoma Davis Brooks, Jonathan Casas, Michael Donaldson, Michelle Dygert, Mia Grace Finger, Caphana Fontrose, Cassandra Griffith, Jocelyn Hawkins, Kristi Hires, Cylei Hutchinson, Gabrielle Joseph, Daniel Kingsmore, Stephanie Kisser, Dianne Nicole Lee, Matthew Magden, Jaiden Munger, Monica Muzquiz, Candese Nieves, Abegayl O’Hara, Kaitlyn Perrine, Brandi Pittman, Amanda Plummer, Leah Stapleton, Hailey Roark, Sterling Russell, Shelly Vernon, Christopher Waller, Hanna Martinez Wienecke and Isis Wilson.
During the ceremony, Monica Muzquiz and Brandi Pittman were awarded the Florence Nightingale Award for demonstrating outstanding compassion toward others, leadership in class and devotion to clients and their families. The Academic Excellence Award was presented to Abegayl O’Hara and Candese Nieves.
SJR State’s nursing program is accredited by the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission. Classes are offered at the Palatka, Orange Park and St. Augustine campuses.
SJR State offers additional health programs such as sonography, respiratory care, nursing assistant, health information technology and radiologic technology. For more information on degree and certificate programs in the health care field, call (386) 312-4176 or visit
Photos from graduation can be found on the SJR State flickr page.

Associate in Science in Nursing (ASN) graduates.