Delton Nealy Sr. (2023)
Engineering Technology

At the age of 46, Delton Nealy Sr. said he finally realized that “preaching higher education” to his children would have more of an impact if he lead by example. “That’s when I sought out ways to better myself so I could be somewhat of an example for Delton Jr. and his sisters,” he said.
Delton, who believes that “age is just a number,” enrolled in the College’s A.S. Degree in Engineering Technology program and began to enable bigger and better opportunities for himself at Georgia-Pacific.
“I had been a shift supervisor in the pulp, power and recovery department at Georgia-Pacific for over 10 years. I thought I had closed myself into this role, with nowhere to go, and I would end up being a career supervisor,” he said. “But with the maintenance and mechanical learning from my degree, it enabled me to open myself up to bigger and better opportunities. Since receiving my degree, I have moved into a maintenance planner role… and I really enjoy what I am doing.”
It is an opportunity that Delton Sr. believes may not have happened without his degree. “My wife has encouraged me to return to school for years, but I kept telling myself that I didn’t have time,” he said. “In reality, I had to make time for what was important. Furthering my education was important to me and my family.” Delton Sr. plans to continue his education at SJR State with a business management certification.