Florida School of the Arts
Theater & Entertainment Technology - Associate in Science Degree
The Scenic/Lighting Design and Technology specialization in the Associate in Science degree curriculum at Florida School of the Arts is unique in that it provides student instantaneous, practical stage experience balanced with classroom instruction. The program requires students to develop and present major projects in scenic/lighting and audio design. These projects ultimately contribute to the student’s portfolio. Former technical theater students have found successful employment in professional theater houses as well as touring companies, and many students have gone on to continue their education at four-year universities.
Program Details
Start Date: Fall and Spring
Starting in the Spring can delay graduation due to Fall-only courses and prerequisites. Contact Academic Advising for a course plan.
Program Requirements: See Catalog
Performing Arts Course Descriptions: (PDF)
Program Plan-Course Rotation: (PDF)
Location: Palatka Campus, Florida School of the Arts
Rachael Holt
(386) 312-4300
STAGE TECHNOLOGY 0160 - College Credit Certificate
Program Requirements: See Catalog
Program Plan-Course Rotation: (PDF)
Auditions/Portfolio Review
Portfolio should include the following and can be provided via Google drive, Dropbox, or a thumb drive.
- Individual pieces that demonstrate the student’s artistic ability in the areas of technical theater
- Photos of the candidate working in their areas of interest
- A complete design process in one of their areas of interest (not necessarily a realized production). Show the design process from research to project in the form of a model or renderings.
- Examples of a realized design process or design (that actually went into production)
- Research demonstrating a thorough script analysis
- Drafting or drawings done in the planning stages
- Photos of the work in progress focusing specifically on what the student is working on
- Photos of the finished product in production
During the audition, you may be asked questions regarding the following topics:
• Career Goals • Arts Experience & Training • College Goals & Expectations • General Background